Thursday, February 19, 2009

Peculiarities and Sayings of English Language

Peculiarities and Sayings of English Language

Difference between ‘ex and ‘former’. Careful scholars point out that even many great scholars are caught napping while using these words. They say we can have only one ‘ex-Secretary-General’ and several ‘former Secretary-Generals’ of United Nations. This is because when we say ‘ex-Secretary-General ’, we mean the Secretary-General which was just before the present Secretary-General. For example, Mr Kofi Annan is the ex-Secretary-General, because he was just before the present Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon; whereas those who were before Mr Kofi Annan such as Mr Boutros-Ghali, Mr Kurt Waldheim, Mr U Thant etc. are all former Secretary-Generals.

Difference between ‘talk to’ and ‘talk with’. ‘Talk to’ is used in common matters. For example, we can say ‘John talked to Joseph about the cricket match.’ ‘Talk with’ is used in serious matters. ‘The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh talked with President Obama about the economic meltdown.’

Difference between ‘towards’ and ‘toward’. Both are correct. ‘Towards’ is used in British English and ‘toward’ in American English.

Difference between ‘murder’ and ‘manslaughter’. ‘Murder’ is carried out in a thoughtful manner and has a motive. For example, ‘some murder their relatives because of property.’ ‘Manslaughter’ is used when the killing may not be intentional. ‘A drunkard is charged for manslaughter as he crashed his car into the sidewalk and killed a man.’

Using ‘Irregardless’. This word, which is used in the informal American English, has stirred up a lot of controversy. The word ‘irregardless’, scholars argue, is senseless because the prefix ‘ir’ means ‘not’ and the suffix ‘less’ means ‘without’. Many dictionaries don’t include this word. Better, don’t use it.


You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. This saying means that sometimes if you want to make or achieve something, you cannot do it without sacrificing or destroying another thing.

Many a true word is spoken in jest. This saying means that something said as a joke can be sensible and true.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. This saying means that there is no point in saying that we didn’t know that the thing we did was illegal.

A word to the wise is enough. This saying means that a very short warning or explanation to the wise is enough.

The tide must be taken when it comes. This saying means that we should make the best use of all the opportunities when they come, otherwise it would be too late.

1 comment:

nivel said...

Thanks for the info, its a meaningful post...

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