Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk

I wrote here that I will furnish some financial and technical terms. These terms are used very often yet many a times people don’t understand them. But it is very important for us to have an idea of these terms, because they extensively come in use. Further, I forgot to tell you that I will keep on furnishing stuff which would help you improve your English, because I was distracted by the two idiotic but nice girls who coloured me while I was writing the post.

Girls are becoming rather frolicsome these days! My teacher told me this after reading my post. He might have thought my vocabulary is good. But I needed looking up the meaning of ‘frolicsome’ in the Cambridge dictionary!

‘Frolicsome’ is an adjective which means “enthusiastic and playful.”

Responding to his email I made a blunder. I wrote. “Thanks a lot for taking out time of reading my post despite of your intensely hectic schedule.”

We never add ‘of’ with ‘despite’. ‘Of’ is used with ‘in spite’. So the correct sentence will read:

Thanks a lot for taking out time of reading my post in spite of your intensely hectic schedule.

Sir please excuse your student!

A bad thing about me is that I rarely prepare for things. This is the secret of my failures. I enjoy reading impromptu and spontaneous pieces.

‘Impromptu’ adjective ( “done or said without earlier planning or preparation.”

You will not look the meaning of ‘spontaneous’ in the dictionary website I mentioned above! Am I right? So here it is

‘Spontaneous’ adjective: “happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced.“ Telling you another secret - this is an impromptu post!

I am giving a start to the financial glossary by telling the meaning of ‘deflation’. When the prices of goods and services go down, we call it ‘deflation’. ‘Inflation’, on the contrary, is the state when the prices of goods and services rise.

Do you know the meaning of ‘bull market’? In a ‘bull market’ prices normally rise and the confidence of investors gets a boost.

Well, now I am going to wind up this impromptu post by telling a technical word. A ‘CARDER’ is a person who steals credit card numbers or information related to them and earns a living. Idiot.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Irrational protests (The Hindu)

Irrational protests

Ms Nasreen has clarified that she did not write the article, of which a ‘translation' was carried in the Kannada daily. Immediate action should be taken against the newspaper for publishing an article that was both provocative and unauthentic. Freedom of expression, undoubtedly, is a crucial aspect of journalism. But credibility is equally crucial. Regrettably, the Kannada daily ignored all principles of journalism.

It is perhaps the first instance when Ms Nasreen has not intentionally come to the limelight. The newspaper seems to have used her name.

Shadab Husain,

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