Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Today's Idioms

Hi friends, happy time!

I guess you all would have had your lunch. What was it? Something yummy? Don’t tell to anybody I’m a very greedy chap. My mouth waters a lot when I think of anything zesty. Oh, I’m afraid I’m chattering a lot. So let’s talk business.

Today’s idioms

1. Take a pot shot: To suddenly find a fault with someone. My mommy was praising me but seeing a cigarette in my pocket, she took a pot shot at me.

2. Be writ large (this is formal): To be very clear. John told me that when Tim was caught steeling, shame was writ large on his face.

3. Shore up something: To strengthen something by giving support. Last hurricane weakened our building, so our landlord had to shore up the pillars and walls to make it safe again. Rahul is trying his best to shore up his party’s popularity by delivering eloquent speeches.

These were today’s idioms. How bad were they? You can key in your suggestions in the comment box. Now will return tomorrow, till then

Loafer on!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Today's Idioms


Hi Folks - I’m happy that some of you appreciated my work, heartfelt thanks for that.

Today we will learn the usage of three new idioms, which not only look charming in writing and speaking - but show our mastery over the language. But before we get off with them, let me tell you that you have to use the things you learn here in order to stamp them in your mind. Right? And the best place for that is the comment box at the bottom of all the postings. Make the best use of it!

Today’s idioms:

1. A no-lose situation - (this is American): A situation in which whatever the results, you will be benefited. I’m writing a feature on the rural women, and even if the editor rejects it, I’ll get a deeper understanding of the subject - so am in a no-lose situation!

2. Go into a tailspin: To suddenly go worse. As Google came up with its excellent features, Yahoo went into a tailspin. Company goes into a tailspin when its key members don’t check cheating at lower level.

3. Be quick on the draw: To understand and react to things promptly. My interview went very good because I was quick on the draw answering well to each and every question posed to me.

Well, these were today’s idioms. How were they? Don’t say “ugh. I knew them from before!”

I will return tomorrow with some more idioms. Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions or questions for me then please leave your comments.

Take care!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today's Idioms


Hi chums - hope you all would be cheerful as usual. Any dates? Tell me, tell me!

Alright, as today we’ll learn the usage of three idioms, so let’s start off. We’ll gossip afterwards. Here we go!

1. Of two minds (about something): When you cannot make up your mind in choosing what to do. I am of two minds whether to holiday in Vienna or Paris. Both the places are charming me! I got offers from both the firms, now I am of two minds which one to opt for.

2. Fiddle while Rome burns: Waste time or Enjoy when important matters are left unattended. Education system of this country is worsening but, alas, the politicians are fiddling while the Rome burns.

3. For a song: At a very low price. Tom was looking handsome in that blue coat but he got it for a song.

These were today’s idioms. I hope you found them interesting. Play them. I’ll return tomorrow with new idioms.



About me


Thanks for visiting my blog.

Besides posting miscellaneous material I will rarely discuss what delights and cheers me up.

I am informal and somewhat workshy. Hobby: writing. As a freelancer have worked with private firms; frequently contributed to the press (will upload my views); edited some documents and interviewed Mr Dan Bloom - an American writer on his novel idea of polar cities to combat climate change:


Shadab Husain
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