Thursday, April 8, 2010

Improving English

Improving English

If you sincerely write what you feel, you will catch the attention of your readers. I have read that the writing style that touches the heart of the reader springs from a sincere heart.


Prosaic: adjective (Formal) lacking interest, imagination and variety; boring. [This meaning was from]

If you are in love with the career you are in, you will never find your life prosaic.

Stonewall verb to stop a discussion from developing by refusing to answer questions or by talking in such a way that you prevent other people from giving their opinions. [This meaning was from]

Mr James, understanding that he won’t be able to defend himself, chose to stonewall the matter.

Doughty: adj. Marked by stouthearted courage; brave. [This meaning was from]

The corporate sector is meant for doughty characters.


De trop (formal) unnecessary, unwanted or more than is suitable. [This meaning was from]

Presuming that the praises showered on him are de trop, Tom got embarrassed.

The in thing (to do): the fashionable thing to do. [This meaning was from]

Consuming soft drinks is the in thing to do.

Cooler heads prevail: Fig. the ideas or influence of less emotional people prevail. (Used of a tense situation.) [This meaning was from]

People know that cooler heads prevail, but little they do to get rid of their emotions.


Incomparably excellent: Sachin is incomparably excellent at batting.

Inborn refinement: An orator of inborn refinement easily attracts the attention of his audience.

Insufficient appreciation: Tom was disheartened due to the insufficient appreciation his work received.

I will also furnish a few common mistakes we make, so please keep on coming to this little place.

1 comment:

nivel said...

Great post ! Thanks I really Appreciate It

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