Saturday, March 7, 2009

English Class

English Class

I started to give assignments or homework to the readers of this blog. I did receive some assignments, but I am afraid, for many of you it was too cumbersome. Therefore, I will ask you all to send your compositions - let them be whatever. I will try to edit or tell how are they.

Words of the day

Deleterious: adj. Having an injurious effect - harmful. Mr Ramadoss, our health minister, has banned smoking in public places because it is deleterious for health.

Proximity: n. The quality, state, sense, or fact of being next or near - closeness. People who are opining that the Supreme Court, due to its proximity with the lawyers, will resort to bias in the Madras incident are wrong.

Peacenik: N. A political activist who opposes war and promoting of weapons - a peace lover. Gandhiji was an outshining peacenik.

Idioms of the day

Be in the pudding club: To be pregnant. John is overjoyed as his wife is in the pudding club.

Get/put a quart into a pint pot (this is British): To try to put a lot of things into a little space. By jabbing all this stuff into this drawer you are actually trying to put a quart into a pint pot.

Shout/proclaim from the housetops: To make anything known publically. Often functions of eminent personalities aren’t proclaimed from the housetops.

Combinations of words

Gladdening influence: Children, lovely as they are, leave a gladdening influence on their parents.

Cheerful expectations: The secret of happiness and success lies in cheerful expectations.

Gleeful spirit: George is impatiently waiting for a life partner of a gleeful spirit!

The class is over.

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